Ballerina’s Poem – A Beautiful Poem About Ballet Dancers

Beautiful dancers on pointe in red ballet skirts

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Enjoy this sweet poem that references both the pain and the beauty of dancing on pointe.  The author beautifully depicts the expectation of how ballet dancers should look and gives insight into what life is like as a ballet dancer.

Ballerina’s Poem

by Miranda Snow

Never will I be covered in tattoos

My legs and toes shall forever stay bruised.

I’ll never paint or carry a tune

Forever and ever, I’ll wear a tutu.

I won’t dye my hair pink or blue

My piercings will stay as the simple two

Nails cut short and hair in a bun

In ballet, this must be done.

Pink tights by the mound

Bobby pins all around

Leotards on the floor

Pointe shoes by the door.

Toes taped so tightly

Smiling big and brightly

Red lipstick adding to her beauty

The dancer moves so smoothly.

Turned out from my hips

No words coming from my lips

I dance sweetly to the sound

Ooh ballet, to you, I am bound.

Full of grace, never haste

Filling perfectly my costume of lace

Ever so sweet, my dancing feet

Step after step, I repeat and repeat.

Obtaining perfection is my key

It’s what I strive for, it’s all that defines me

Pushing harder and harder to reach my goal

It’s what I live for, ballet is my soul.

My toes may bleed

And my knees, grow weak

But I’ll never stop dancing…

Not until I reach my peak.

Pirouette, Pirouette

Dancer’s silhouette

Practicing at dusk

Dedication is a must.

Stretching my limbs

Choreographing on a whim

Alway aiming to be stronger

To hold my arabesque longer.

When I do finally reach that triple pirouette

and all is done and all is set

I put myself back into class

Aiming for a fourth, to be better than the last.

This is the life of a dancer en pointe

Risking the health of her feet, legs and joints

Just for that one perfect moment on stage

Where the ballerina stands tall and all are amazed.

Editors Note: This post was originally posted in September 2012 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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  1. That was a beautiful Poem

  2. Bob Jonas says:

    Nice poem, it has much diversity!

  3. Is this poem published??

  4. Pat Alfaro says:

    Has this poem been published

    1. Hi Pat!

      I apologize for the delayed response – we’ve been out of town! Here is the info I have on Miranda: Miranda currently teaches dance at DanzForce Extreme in Orlando and is a part of Emotions Dance Company!

      Hope this helps!

  5. Kylie Alfaro says:

    i would like to use your poem for a cometition in my school and I was wondering if you could send me a witten agreement saying that I can use your poem I would love if you would do that for me❤️❤️

    1. Hi Kylie!

      This poem was written by Miranda Snow. Please see the previous comment for contacting Miranda for permission.

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