Tap Songs – December 2012

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It’s almost Christmas, but we had to get in one more tap song playlist for our tap dance fans out there. No, we have not forgotten you! This is a pretty eclectic list of songs for tappers so be prepared. There was lots of family input on this one.
I have several favorites on this tap playlist, but a couple that stand out for me are: Shake It Out by The Loreleis. I love the original version, but this is great as well. Also, Bicycle Race by Queen could make a really cute tap number. There is a comment about big bottom girls that clearly would need to be edited, but other than that, it could be adorable.
Tap Songs for Recitals and Competitions
Click play to hear a 30 second clip. Click view to hear a longer clip in iTunes.
YDD is an iTunes affiliate. All song links open in iTunes.
I have to give props to anyone who can choose Bicycle Race as a tap song. Way to step outside the box on this list. Good choices.
Thank you! I appreciate it!