A Dance Mom’s Prayer For Competition Day

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Here’s to another great competition season for you and your dancer. This continues to be one of our most popular posts. It was written during the 2012 competition season. Nothing beats a competition weekend when everything falls into place. Enjoy!
A Dance Mom’s Prayer
For Competition Day
Dear Lord, it is competition season and I have a few prayer requests. Please let our day begin well. May our directions to the venue be correct. May we arrive on time and find ample parking.
May we have every shoe, costume, costume accessory, tights, extra tights, make-up and any other thing you know we will need, but I have failed to list.
Dear Lord, we need to pray for the venue, yes the venue. May the dressing room space we have be shared with a nice studio, with polite girls and parents and may everyone be provided with the understanding that while we would all like more space, this is what we have to deal with and make the best of it. May said dressing room not be located three stories up from the theater. While I know I need to exercise more, I do not want to start today and dancers in tap shoes hustling up and down three flights of stairs makes me nervous!
May my dancer’s make-up be flawless and Lord bless those applying mascara for their dancers. May the hair process go smoothly. May buns be slick and poufs be poufy. May my dancer have a sweet and cooperative attitude so I do not have the urge to push that last bobby pin in a little firmer. 🙂
Prayers to the parents attaching wigs to their sweet little dancer’s head. Give them guidance to adhere those wigs firmly for I have yet to meet a child, tween or teen who wants to be dancing on stage in a wig cap.
Dear Lord, we must pray for the performance. May my dancer be even more beautiful than she was at dress rehearsal and please dear Lord may she stay upright throughout her dances. If you recall, we have experienced that life lesson in the past and survived; but, we would prefer not to have a repeat.
May our quick changes seem effortless and our tights remain intact. Lord, let the fishnets remain free of giant holes. May we be free of costume malfunctions for I have witnessed them and would not wish them on anyone. May hats stay on heads and shoes stay on feet. May Props remain propped. May we not hear the announcement “Can someone from XYZ studio, supply a back up CD”.
Vision – Dear Lord, this is a big one, please provide dance parents and dancers perfect vision for today so they can see when they enter an auditorium at a dance competition there are dancers performing on stage. I repeat, there are dancers performing on stage. Dear Lord provide them with the awareness that now would not be a good time to stand in front of others or talk loudly.
Dear Lord, may parents, friends and dancers understand that hootin’ and hollerin’ and shaking noisemakers for a lyrical or ballet dance just breaks the mood.
For the awards – may the announcer be courteous and entertaining, but not long-winded. May the announcement of the awards be quick, but not so rushed that we can hardly understand what scores the dances received.
Dear Lord, at the end of the day….
May I have had an enjoyable day with the other Dance Moms from our team
May I be appreciative of the other studios we shared our day with
May we have been well entertained by talented children who enjoy performing and sharing their talents
May I continue to be amazed at how hard our dance teachers and studio owner work and how much they genuinely love their students
and most importantly
May my dancer leave today with the same confident spirit she had when she arrived.
Love this. As a fellow dance mom, I can totally relate. Glad to have found your site.
Thank you Ashley. I appreciate your comment!
Wishing all of you the best, know that you can do this. BREAK A LEG!
Thank you for the comment Claudette! Competition season is an exciting time.
I found the link to this post on Pinterest and just wanted to comment and say thank you! Like you I’m a dance mom who isn’t the type featured on that TV show we won’t mention. 🙂 I love watching my daughter dance, make friends, find confidence and grow! I wrote my own Dance Mom’s Prayer awhile back, if you’d like to check it out it’s posted on my blog. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by Angela! It’s always good to connect with another Dance Mom! I’m looking forward to reading your blog as well. 🙂
Love the prayer. It hits all the possibilities.
Awww, thank you Carol! I appreciate the comment.
I love this but I have a boy dancer I wish people in the dance world wouldn’t forget that so often when writing things like this.
Thank you for stopping by Lisa! Boys are absolutely equally as important, I happened to write this right after my daughter’s first competition of the year a few years ago. It is based on our experience from that particular weekend. 🙂
I love this! These girls put their hearts and souls into the work they put in for these recitals and competitions. A prayer before the event can calm the nerves and put their trust in God. Thank you for sharing.
This is my favorite to share every year and Facebook won’t allow it 😩